
From Petal Crashers Wiki

Garbage in various states of spawning.

Garbage blocks are blocks that cannot be moved by the player, but can be destroyed by clearing adjacent petals. They can be pre-placed on puzzle boards or sent to your opponent in VS. matches by clearing chains or combos of larger than 2 petals. They spawn into the board after 4 turns, as opposed to normal petals, which take 8. As such, they can easily interrupt growing in addition to blocking off your board.

When you receive garbage, it is queued up for a short period of time before it is deployed to your board as pending garbage. The amount of queued garbage is visible on the top left of the board for player 1, and the top right for player 2. When garbage is queued, the receiving player can counter the garbage, delaying its deployment by clearing petals or canceling it out completely by clearing chains and combos.

Unlike spawning petals, spawning garbage cannot be blocked by existing petals. If garbage is set to spawn on a square that already has a petal, the garbage will simply take over that square.

Garbage formula

The amount of garbage you send is based on the length of the chain (capped at 5), and the total number of petals cleared in the chain. It is always zero if you clear 2 petals in a 1-chain, but otherwise the formula is:

floor(floor(max(floor(PetalsCleared * (1 + (min(Chain, 5) * ChainMultiplier))), 0) * GarbageMultiplier) * GarbageEscalation)

Notably, this means that large combos will have the same effect on the resulting garbage regardless of where they appear in the chain, and maximally efficient chains in VS are bulky 5-chains. By default, ChainMultiplier is 0.3, but this can be configured in the custom VS mode settings as "Chain Power". GarbageMultiplier is 0.5 by default. GarbageEscalation is generally just 1, but if you are playing Trash Attack mode or have "Escalation" turned on in the custom settings, it will increase by 0.2 every 20 seconds starting at 280 seconds (4 minutes 40 seconds), capping off at 3 when the game time hits 460 seconds (7 minutes 40 seconds).

Garbage table for standard VS rules
1 chain 2 chain 3 chain 4 chain 5+ chain
3 petals 1        
4 petals 2 3      
5 petals 3 4      
6 petals 3 4 5    
7 petals 4 5 6    
8 petals 5 6 7 8  
9 petals 5 7 8 9  
10 petals 6 8 9 11 12
11 petals 7 8 10 12 13
12 petals 7 9 11 13 15
13 petals 8 10 12 14 16
14 petals 9 11 13 15 17
15 petals 9 12 14 16 18
16 petals 10 12 15 17 20
17 petals 11 13 16 18 21
18 petals 11 14 17 19 22
19 petals 12 15 18 20 23
20 petals 13 16 19 22 25
21 petals 13 16 19 23 26
22 petals 14 17 20 24 27
23 petals 14 18 21 25 28