Turn Trial

From Petal Crashers Wiki

A turn trial game played as Yosoti.

Turn Trial is a single-player Score Attack game mode where the player has a limited number of turns to attain a high score.

Rank achievement

Turn trial ranks require a certain amount of score per turn. This amount also changes depending on whether or not the player chooses to play with a mini board, which will reduce the target by 40%. The score required for a particular rank is unaffected by turbo mode.

Grand Master requirement (total score)
75 turns 150 250 500
Mini off 40,000 80,000 133,333 266,667
Mini on 24,000 48,000 80,000 160,000

The GM requirement for a normal board is ~533 points per turn, but as this results in tough calculations, the ratio for 150 turn trial is easier to remember.


Turn trial forces the player to meet an extremely high bar for score efficiency. For example, in 150-turn trial, the player is expected to clear almost 150 petals. However, with a score target of 80,000, this means that the average points per clear must be in the ballpark of 540~570—this is an average chain between 9 and 11. (Keep in mind that the absolute maximum number of points per clear is 600.) As such, players must make sure that as many petals as possible are part of an 11-chain. This can be achieved with large, bulky chains, or with bare, long chains alike, as long as almost every clear is in an 11-chain. That is to say, there is no benefit to constructing heavily branching 11-chains as in Time Trial, and this may simplify construction as chains can be as long as the player desires.

With perfect score efficiency, the minimum number of clears required for GM on a normal board is ceil(TurnLimit*8/9). For 150-turn trial, this is 134.