Glossary of terms

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These are terms of art that are used when discussing Petal Crash play.

A known bug where the AI may occasionally grow twice in a row with at least 48 blocks on its board, overgrowing itself in the process
Allowing garbage to fall
ahead on bar
Also known as plus
The state of having pushed the battle bar into the opponent's side
bare chain
A linear chain composed only of clears of 2 petals at a time
battle barring
Also known as barring
Intentionally playing to win via the battle bar, rather than overgrowth
behind on bar
Also known as minus
The state of having the battle bar pushed into your side
Preventing garbage from falling by clearing, without necessarily countering
blueprint chain
A chain which is planned far in advance rather than built on the fly, generally referring to a large opening chain built around the outside of the board
A large cluster of one color of petals
A block placed to keep other blocks from moving out of position during a chain
bulky chain
Also known as fancy chain, power chain
A chain with a large number of petals compared to its length
When the board is full of petals but few or no adjacent petals are of the same color, which generally occurs when growing many times in succession
corner cases
The set of rules for determining the direction a petal moves when pushed from several directions simultaneously
The ability to continue sending garbage while digging through your own garbage
Clears per minute
Unintentional clears that interrupt a chain in the middle, or when petals are pushed by early links of a chain into a position that interrupts later links, making the chain shorter
A property of chains wherein the full chain can be set off from any constituent link
Delayed auto-shift, via which the cursor quickly repeats inputs that are held down for a brief period (only applicable on keyboard or controller)
Focusing on clearing garbage
double push
Pushing a petal away from, and then back towards, a petal of the same color that it was previously touching in order to clear it
An extension added to a warhead, making a single long, bulky chain
Garbage sent per minute
The beginning of a chain, generally where one finds the intended trigger
linear chain
A chain with no branches
One clear involved in a chain
A board state from which overgrowth is inevitable, even if there are valid moves available
Usable petals
organic chain
A chain, usually a sprout or V-split, assembled mostly or completely by spawners—as such it is non-compact and easily interrupted by future spawners, at which point it becomes checkerboarding
A board state where all spaces are filled with either petals or garbage, so there are no valid moves, causing the player to lose the game
Points per clear
Winning a game from a deeply unfavorable state, such as a 2-stock deficit with lots of garbage on the board
rendezvous chain
Also known as traveling chain
A chain wherein at least one link is formed by several petals in motion whose trajectories intersect
A property of chains where both ends of the chain can function as the head
A mnemonic for the same-distance priority order (right, up, down, left), pronounced either "roodle" or "ruddle"
An easter egg AI difficulty where the AI plays as fast and as smart as possible, accessible in Versus Mode by pressing right 5 times while the maximum challenge level is selected
skull chain
A chain which contains a lot of hard-to-see links, generally because they traverse across the board several times or involve complicated tempo savers, named for the AI difficulty which generally produces a lot of them
staggered spawners
A state where the player has several sets of garbage spawners which are set to spawn in at different times, making it difficult to grow
synced spawners
A state where the next set of petal spawners and the next set of garbage spawners will come in at the same time, such that the next grow may fill in more spaces than intended, potentially leading to accidental self-overgrowth
tank & send
Accepting garbage that could have been countered in order to ensure your opponent receives garbage as well
The last group(s) to be cleared within a chain
The group of petals intended to set off a chain
A short, but very bulky chain, which can become destructive when extended