Trash Attack

From Petal Crashers Wiki

Trash Attack is a standard ruleset in Versus Mode.

In Trash Attack, there is no battle bar, and as such the only way to win is to overgrow your opponent. Because of this, escalation is also turned on, and after some time the amount of garbage begins to scale up, capping at a maximum of 3 times normal garbage. The garbage also drops instantly instead of being accepted as 4-turn spawners. Color clear is enabled for this mode as well, so garbage blocks that are cleared leave behind petals of the same color as the bursting group that cleared the garbage.


Because of the differences in garbage behavior with Tug-of-War, many strategies for play in that mode become incredibly risky in Trash Attack. For example, playing with a full board (more than 55 petals) leaves you open to being overgrown by a comparatively small attack if it is well-timed. This is because of instant garbage, which means you can't accept garbage and then clear out space to continue playing before it spawns in.

Instant garbage is generally much more likely to interrupt your plan when accepted. As a result, it is very important to be able to cancel garbage at any time, and keep alternate triggers for chains in case the intended trigger is blocked off by a sudden accept. Double pushes should be avoided unless the player is certain they will not take garbage soon.

Color clear can be used to the player's advantage to spawn in petals of a desired color and complete chains. However, it can also make it harder to clear out your board if you spawn in petals but then no longer have other petals of the same color in the area to continue clearing.